welcome to my webpage!
What a wonderful journey I've had over the years! I have been blessed
that I have been many places and met many wonderful people. Here are
just a few photos spanning the last decade of my life.
hold a degree from Union University in Jackson, TN
of a Bachelor's of Science in
Business Admin, with emphasis in Strategic Marketing,
and Communications.
June 2000
May 1998
May 24, 2003
Fraternity composite: April 2003
Easter rehersal 2009
Downtown Memphis, TN
Peabody Hotel, Memphis
I am employed in pharmaceutical
sales by NovaQuest in the Neuroscience Division.
In addition to my full time vocation I enjoy maintaining my skills as a
3rd Degree Black Belt in ATA and singing in the Praise Team at my church.
I have traveled throughout the world with my Dad as he has preached the Gospel to thousands of people. I
currently live in Memphis, Tennessee.
The link(s) below will lead you
to travel pictures I have posted.
(click on the following links
for more pictures)
Scotland Trip `98